18: After taking advantage of the neutrality clause, which permits a belligerent foreign war vessel to enter a United States port for the purpose of replenishing her fuel and provision supplies, the German cruiser Leipzig steamed out of the Golden Gate at 12:30 o'clock this morning. Warden Johnson said the 300 or so convicts would work as usual, with dinner tonight consisting of bean soup, roast beef, potatoes, string beans and coffee. There will be no birthday cake to celebrate the fifth anniversary. Arthur "Doc" Barker, one-time Public Enemy No.1, was killed in a bolt for freedom last January. Cline in an escape attempt one was shot to death and the other two were given life terms for murder. Came another year three convicts killed Guard R.C.

Johnston was hospitalized after being slugged by Burton Phillips, Kansas bank robber and kidnapper: Rufe Persful, a convict, distinguished himself by chopping off the fingers of his left hand with an ax, and a pair of Oklahoma desperadoes Ralph Roe and Theodore Cole escaped in a fog and are believed to have drowned. 'Spiraled out of control': San Francisco chefs quit Michelin-starred restaurantĪround Alcatraz's third birthday, Warden James A.'They're going to fall': 12 California homes evacuated as ground shifts.People on the Hawaii island of Nihoa ‘disappeared.’ Here’s why.'Devastating': California oak death is endangering the state’s signature barbecue.San Francisco grocery stores are pricier than ever.
#Huey p. newton death cause license
Nevada license plate that's short for 'Go back to California' is revoked by DMV.Horoscope for Monday, 7/10/23 by Christopher Renstrom.Another six months passed, and Joe Bowers, 40, essayed the first escape attempt, died of a broken neck when he fell while running from guards. The prison was only six months old when 100 inmates went on a mass uprising. It has not been an unexciting five years either. It was just five years ago that Al Capone and 52 other felons from Eastern prisons entered the island in the bay, and began a life under rigid discipline that made Atlanta and Leavenworth, their previous domiciles, seem like comfortable second-class hotels.

22: Alcatraz will celebrate its fifth birthday as a federal prison today, but there won't be much of a party. In all they roared through ten songs in 31 minutes, which, considering the obstacles, must be a record of sorts.Īug. When the shrieking died down to the level of truck-train collision, the Beatles whipped into their extensive repertoire. A scattered thousand or so began pitching jellybeans on stage, a Beatle symbol of some sort. At precisely 9:29 p.m., the Beatles, dressed in dark blue suits, bounced onto the smallish stage. The fanatics spent one hour and 29 minutes oiling their lungs for the majestic appearance of the little Englishmen. In comparison, the screechers who first made a celebrity of Frank Sinatra would have been about as noisy as a Bolshevik conspiracy. It was a scene approximately in decibel strength to a Mameluke cavalry charge. 20: More than 17,000 wild-eyed, full-throated Beatle worshippers transformed the Cow Palace last night into a snake pit of what psychologists insist is healthy hysteria. As they say, 'He who lived by the sword dies by the sword.' "Īug. "I must say I'm not surprised he ended up meeting a violent death because violence was so much a part of his life," said Tom Orloff, chief assistant district attorney in Alameda County, who has prosecuted Newton. A key tenet of this movement was violence as a means to black equality, a radical departure from the nonviolent tactics supported by the Rev. With his friend Bobby Seale, Newton founded the Black Panther political party, giving birth to a new era in American history-cities burned, police became "pigs" and expressions of rage spread across the nation. The shooting was the final chapter in the life of a man who changed the direction of the civil rights movement. Newton, 47, was shot to death yesterday in the West Oakland neighborhood where he was accused of gunning down a police officer 22 years ago.